

固件 产品
P40 P4S-341, P4S-342


项目 说明
ENVS 1,536 Size of System ENV, byte
ENVU 1,536 Size of User ENV, byte
WLAN 1 Wireless LAN
EMAC 1 Ethernet
UART 2 The number of UART
FLOAT Support Floating Point Numbers
SSL Support SSL communication
PHP_MAX_NAME_SPACE 16 The number of Namespace
PHP_NAME_LEN 32 Size of User Identifier
PHP_MAX_USER_DEF_NAME 480 The number of User Identifier
PHP_LLSTR_BLK_SIZE 64 Size of String Block, byte
PHP_MAX_LLSTR_BLK 192 The number of String Blocks
string buffer size 12K Size of string buffer, byte
PHP_MAX_STRING_LEN 1,536 Size of string variable, byte
PHP_INT_MAX ≒ 9.2*1018 Max value of integer type
EZFS_MAX_NAME_LEN 64 Size of EZFS filename, byte
TASK 2 The number of Task
TCP 5 The number of TCP
UDP 5 The number of UDP
TCP_RXBUF_SIZE 1,068 TCP receive buffer size
TCP_TXBUF_SIZE 1,152 TCP send buffer size
PDB_TXBUF_SIZE 2,048 PHPoCD send buffer size
HTTP_TXBUF_SIZE 1,536 HTTP send buffer size
UART_RXBUF_SIZE 1,024 UART send/receive buffer size
UDP_RXBUF_SIZE 512 UDP receive buffer size
ST 8 Software Timer
HT 4 Hardware Timer
ADC 2 Analog Input (ADC)
I2C 1 I2C


区分 限制事项
Level of Namespace PHP_MAX_NAME_SPACE - 1
Level of Function Call PHP_MAX_NAME_SPACE - 2
Size of User Identifier PHP_NAME_LEN - 1
Size of String Variable PHP_MAX_STRING_LEN - 2
Size of Array Offset string length - 2
Size of Filename EZFS_MAX_NAME_LEN - 1
Size of arguments for system function PHP_LLSTR_BLK_SIZE - 1
Size of arguments for pid_ioctl function PHP_LLSTR_BLK_SIZE - 1
Size of $address of function sendto PHP_LLSTR_BLK_SIZE - 1
Size of $needle & $replace of function str_replace PHP_LLSTR_BLK_SIZE - 1
Size of $address of function inet_pton PHP_LLSTR_BLK_SIZE - 1
Size of $address of function inet_ntop PHP_LLSTR_BLK_SIZE - 1
Size of $delimiter of function explode PHP_LLSTR_BLK_SIZE - 1
Maximum size of UDP data for receiving UDP receive buffer size - 2