使用数字 I/O


读取数字I/O状态时使用pid_read函数,将所有端口的状态一次性读取或是使用pid_ioctl函数的get命令读取单一端口信息。 单一端口的信息的情况,不仅可以查看输入/输出状态,也可以读取设定类型。

pid_read($pid, VALUE);           // read multiple states(in 32bits unit)
pid_ioctl($pid, "get N ITEM");   // read a single state(in a bit unit)


mode Return the port status
in string type
I/O pin: "in", "out", "led_xxx" and so on
pins while using by UART, SPI or I2C: "hdev"
Designated to output pin of ST: "st_out"
input Return the input port status in integer (0: LOW, 1: HIGH)
output Return the output port status in integer (0: LOW, 1: HIGH)

读取多个端口状态 例


$value = 0;
$pid = pid_open("/mmap/uio0");          // open UIO0
pid_ioctl($pid, "set 0-7 mode in_pu");  // set port 0 ~ 7 to input(pull-up)
pid_read($pid, $value);                 // read digital I/O status(32bits unit)
printf("0x%x\r\n", $value);             // output example: 0xffffffff

读取单一端口信息 例


$pid = pid_open("/mmap/uio0");             // open UIO0
pid_ioctl($pid, "set 0 mode out high");    // set port 0 to output
$mode = pid_ioctl($pid, "get 0 mode");     // read a digital I/O mode
$output = pid_ioctl($pid, "get 0 output"); // read a digital I/O state
printf("%s, %d\r\n", $mode, $output);      // output example: out, 1

※ 利用pid_ioctl的get命令读取单一端口的状态时,相应端口的类型为输入端口的情况输出"get N input",输出端口时使用"get N output"。



pid_write($pid, VALUE);                  // write to multiple ports(32 bits unit)
pid_ioctl($pid, "set N output TYPE");    // write to a single port(a bit unit)

多个端口输出 例

The 下面例子是将UIO0的多个端口设定为输出端口后写任意值,重新读取数字I/O的状态值输出的例子。

$value = 0;
$pid = pid_open("/mmap/uio0");                       // open UIO0
pid_ioctl($pid, "set 0-7 mode out");                 // set port 0 ~ 7 to output
pid_read($pid, $value);                              // read status
pid_write($pid, ($value & 0xffffff00) | 0x00000055); // write 0x00000055
pid_read($pid, $value);                              // read status
printf("0x%0x\r\n", $value);                         // output example: 0x00000055

单一端口输出 例


$pid = pid_open("/mmap/uio0");             // open UIO0
pid_ioctl($pid, "set 0 mode out low");     // set port 0 to output(LOW)
pid_ioctl($pid, "set 0 output high");      // write HIGH
$output = pid_ioctl($pid, "get 0 output"); // read state of port 0
printf("%d\r\n", $output);                 // output: 1

输出限制设定 例


$pid = pid_open("/mmap/uio0");              // open UIO0
pid_ioctl($pid, "set 0 mode out low");      // set port 0 to output(LOW)
pid_ioctl($pid, "set 0 lock");              // enable port 0 to output lock
pid_ioctl($pid, "set 0 output high");       // write HIGH to port 0
$output1 = pid_ioctl($pid, "get 0 output"); // read state of port 0
pid_ioctl($pid, "set 0 unlock");            // disable the output lock
pid_ioctl($pid, "set 0 output high");       // write HIGH to port 0 again
$output2 = pid_ioctl($pid, "get 0 output"); // read state of port 0
printf("%d, %d\r\n", $output1, $output2);   // output: 0, 1